Written by: Roshni

Growing up I almost always had chapped lips. My mom/sisters would constantly had to remind me to put chapstick on to combat the dry peeling skin I'd always have on my lips. However, no matter how much chapstick I used, my lips would always be peeling (probably also because I barely drank enough water to stay hydrated.) I have tried so many lip scrubs, countless different brands of chapsticks, the toothbrush hack- you name it, I've tried it. Up until recently nothing really worked. Sure chapstick and staying hydrated helped to an extent but never to the point where I would have smooth lips all day long.
This past year I kept seeing so many people talk about Laneige's lip sleeping mask and how well it worked. I figured that if I've already tried all these different remedies might as well try this- it sure wouldn't hurt. Let me tell you all, it is a game c h a n g e r. I use it at night before I sleep and I wake up and put it on as well. Even though it's technically a sleeping mask I've noticed that putting it on both morning and night has kept my lips smooth for much longer. This isn't even sponsored it really is that good. I've used this sleeping mask for about six months now and when I run out (not anytime soon still have plenty of product left), I know I won't go back to anything else.
The other chapstick that I swear by, that does the job during the day is Burt's Bees original lip balm. I love the peppermint sting on my lips-for some reason it makes me feel like the chapstick is working? I don't know, haha. I found that Burt's Bees original lip balm is a chapstick I've gravitated back to multiple times in my search for the perfect chapstick. It worked to an extent but never left my lips chapped free for long. However by using Laniege's lip sleeping mask morning and night- I've found Burt's Bees helps keep my lips moisturized. I absolutely love these two products and they are definitely my go-tos!